Past Shows
20th Century American Drawings and Watercolors Fall 2010
Nightfall on the Olympic Peninsula - Painting by Theodore Czebotar,American (1915- 1996) Fall 2010

Parkside Downtown-Student shows from University of Wisconsin Parkside Fall 2010

19th and 20th Century European Sketches, Drawings and Watercolors Summer 2010

At the H.F. Johnson Gallery of Art, at Carthage College in Kenosha Wisconsin, we loaned a selection of original woodcuts, engravings and etchings from the 1500s and 1600s, including works by Rembrandt and Durer for their International Nativity Creche Exhibition. This show ran December 1-18, 2009 then January 5-23, 2010
Stamped Indelibly - A Collection of Orginal Rubber Stamp Prints, Edited by William Katz Fall 2009
Relative Memory - Ancestral Figures of West African Shrine Houses April 2009- July 2009

Theatrum Mulierum by Wenceslaus Hollar February 2009- April 2009

Theodore Czebotar's Racine in the 1930s November 2008- February 2009

2008 Christmas Tree

The Lure of Water Seascape Oil Paintings, August - November 2008