We currenlty have two shows on display in downtown Racine, Wiscosnin.

Wenzel Hollar: Historical Fashions from 17th Centery Europe
A rare collection of 36 original etchings from the Theatrum Mulierum designed and etched by London based Bohemian artist, Wenzel Hollar. These etching provide a fasinating look at women from the dawn of modern Europe. These etchings are on display at the Mathis Gallery.

Elite Styles
On display next door at Molly MaGruder, contemporary clothing and accessories is Elite Styles, American Fashions from circa 1915. Elite Styles was an American fashion magazine published from 1897 until 1929. Calling itself "The magazine of sartorial delights.", this show offers a facinating look at womens fashions from a bygone era. Often used for cut-out paper dolls, period costom refrences, and inspiration to dress makers, This collection of lithographs dates from 1914-1915 and were some of the color inserts inside the magazines.

Portraiture by Hollar
To compliment the etching from the Theatrum Mulierum, and showcase the range of Hollar's skill we are also displaying 5 etching of portraiture by him.
Mathis Gallery has loaned several pieces from the "Horse Feathers" series to the show Whatever is There is a Truth, Robert Rauschenberg’s Prints , at the Haggerty Museum at Marquette University.