MathisE.H.Mathis Gallery and Conservation Framing

Wenzel Hollar: European Fashions from the 1640s

This show features a rare collection of 36 original etchings from the Theatrum Mulierum, considered to be one of the first fashion magazines. The artist Wenzel Hollar, intended to provide a handy guide to a range of fashions of the day. Never published as a cohesive set, these etchings were a project he worked over a period of decades. See History of the Theatrum Mulierum for more information about this collection or a Time Line of Hollar's Life to learn more about the artist's life and the world he lived in.

Tilte Plate
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Theater of Women or Various and Different clothing of the female gender, European Nations, as they are in our time. By Wendell Hollar, etc (Prachenberger of Löwengrün and Bareyt), a Bohemian,  etched in, London, 1643.

Inscribed: THEATRV MVLIERVM, sive VARIETAS atq DIFFERENtia Habituum Foeminei Seus, di==uerforum Europe Nationum hodier Tempore vulgo in vlu, a Wenceflao Hollar, etc. Bohemo, delineatæ et aqva forti æ rĭ feulptæ Londini A 1643 WH, The crest was inharented from his mother’s, Margaret, daughter of David Löw of Löwengrün and Bareyt, Knight of the Holy Roman Empire.  Engraved 1643, (P. 1804), Unknown State, approximately 3,11/16  x  2, 5/16 inches  (93 x 58 mm).


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Noblewoman of Bohemia

Inscribed: Ein Bohmifche vom Adell and underneath Nobilis Mulier Bohemica.   Drawn 1636, Engraving modified 1649, Number1 of the series (P. 1806), State 3 of 3, approximately  3,11/16  x  2, 5/16 inches  (93 x 58 mm)

List Price: $100.00

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A Bohemian Country Woman

Inscribed: Ein Bohmiche Bawrin and underneath Rustuca Bohemica. Drawn 1636, Engraved 1643, Number 2 of the series (P. 1807), State 3 of 3, approximately  3,11/16  x  2, 5/16 inches  (93 x 58 mm).

List Price: $125.00

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A Prague Merchant’s Wife

Inscribed: Ein Vornehme Burgers oder Kauffmas fraw zu Piag and underneath Mercatoris Pragenfis Vxor.  Drawn 1636, Engraved 1642, Number 3a of the series (P. 1808), Only 1 State documented , approximately  3,11/16  x  2,5/16 inches  (93 x 58 mm).

List Price: $175.00

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A Women of Prague

Inscribed: Ein Pragerin and underneath Mulier Pragensis.   Drawn 1636, Engraved 1643, Number 4 of the series (P. 18010), State 3 of 3, approximately  3,11/16  x  2, 5/16 inches  (93 x 58 mm).


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A Burgers’ Daughter of Prague

Inscribed: Ein Burgers Doc/z ter zu Prag and underneath Ciuis Pragensis filia.   Drawn 1636, Engraved 1643, Number 5 of the series (P. 1811), State 2 of 2, approximately  3,11/16  x  2, 5/16 inches  (93 x 58 mm).


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A Gentlewoman of Vienna,  Austria

Inscribed: Ein Oftereicherin and underneath Mulier Generosa Viennenfis Austri.   Drawn 1636, Engraved 1643, Number 7 of the series (P. 1813), State 2 of 2, approximately  3,11/16  x  2, 5/16 inches  (93 x 58 mm).

List Price: $100.00

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A Woman of Vienna at Home

Inscribed: Ein Oftereicherin vwan sie zu haus ist and underneath Mulier Wiennenfis in Domo.  Dated 1649, Number 9 of the series (P. 1815), Only State, approximately  3,11/16  x  2, 5/16 inches  (93 x 58 mm).

List Price: $100.00

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A Westphalia Woman (working at the) Archbishops’ Monastery

Inscribed: Ein Fraw von Dulmen um Stisst Munfker and underneath Mulier Weftphalica ex Archiep fu Monasterin.   Dated 1643, Number 10 of the series (P. 1816), State 2 of 2, approximately  3,11/16  x  2, 5/16 inches  (93 x 58 mm).

List Price: $100.00

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An Captain’s Wife of Amsterdam  “The wife of a Dutch Sailor”

Inscribed: Ein Shiffers Weib zu Ambsterdam and underneath Navigatoris Hollandici Vxor.   No Date, Number 21a  of the series (P. 1827), State 2 of 3, Alternative title of from the 3rd state, approximately  3,11/16  x  2, 5/16 inches  (93 x 58 mm).


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A Noble Woman of Brabant

Inscribed: Ein Bruffelfche oder Brabandifclae Dama and underneath Nobilis Mulier Brabantica.   Drawn 1648, Engraved 1649, Number 23  of the series (P. 1830), State 2 of 2, approximately  3,11/16  x  2, 5/16 inches  (93 x 58 mm).

List Price: $100.00

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A Burger of Antwerp’s Wife at Home

Inscribed: Ein Antwerpsche Jessraw oder Vornehme Burgerin wan sie haus ist and underneath Mulier primaria Antuerpienfis, in ornate domestico.   Dated 1648 , Number 25 of the series (P. 1832), State 2 of 2, approximately  3,11/16  x  2, 5/16 inches  (93 x 58 mm).


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A Merchants Wife of Antwerp

Inscribed: Ein Burgers oder Khauffmans Fraw zu Antorff and underneath Civis aut Mercatoris Antuerpienfis Vxor.   Dated 1650, Number 28 of the series (P. 1835), State 2 of 2?,, approximately  3,11/16  x  2, 5/16 inches  (93 x 58 mm).

List Price: $150.00

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A Burger’s Wife of Strasburg

Inscribed: Ein Burgers fraw zu Strassburg and underneath Mulier Argentinenfis. Undated, Number 45 of the series (P. 1852), State 2 of 2?, approximately  3,11/16  x  2, 5/16 inches  (93 x 58 mm).

List Price: $100.00

Wife(Larger Image)

A Young Bride of Strasburg

Inscribed: Ein Straβburgifche Hochzeiterin and underneath Virgo Nuptialis Argentinenfis.Undated, Number 47 of the series (P. 1854), Only State, approximately  3,11/16  x  2, 5/16 inches  (93 x 58 mm).

List Price: $125.00

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A Young Woman of Strasburg

Inscribed: Ein Stafsburgifche Jungfraw and underneath Virgo Argentinensis.   Undated, Number 48 of the series (P. 1855), State 1 of 2, approximately  3,11/16  x  2, 5/16 inches  (93 x 58 mm).


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Young Woman of Strasburg

Inscribed: Ein Strafsburger Jungfraw and underneath Virgo Argentinensis.   Undated, Number 49 of the series (P. 1856), State 2 of 2, approximately  3,11/16  x  2, 5/16 inches  (93 x 58 mm).

List Price: $125.00

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A Burger’s Wife of Bern

Inscribed: Ein Burgersfraw zu Bern and underneath Matrona Bernenfis.   Undated, Number 51 of the series (P. 1858), State 3 of 3, approximately  3,11/16  x  2, 5/16 inches  (93 x 58 mm).


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A Burger’s Wife of Bern

Inscribed: Ein Burgers fraw zu Bern and underneath Mulier Bernensis.   Dated 1649,  Number 52 of the series (P. 1859), Only State, approximately  3,11/16  x  2, 5/16 inches  (93 x 58 mm).


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A Woman of Basle

Inscribed: Ein Baslerin and underneath Mulier Basilienfis.  Dated 1644, Number 53  of the series (P. 1860), Only State, approximately  3,11/16  x  2, 5/16 inches  (93 x 58 mm).

List Price: $100.00

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A Woman of Basle

Inscribed: Ein Baslerin and underneath Mulier Basilienfis, Londini.  Dated 1644, Number 54 of the series (P. 1861), Only State, approximately  3,11/16  x  2, 5/16 inches  (93 x 58 mm).


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A Young Woman of Basle

Inscribed: Ein Bafler Iung Fraw and underneath Virgo Basiliensis.   Dated 1644, Number 55 of the series (P. 1862), State 2 of 2, approximately  3,11/16  x  2, 5/16 inches  (93 x 58 mm).


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A Burger’s Wife of Zurich

Inscribed: Ein Burgers Weib zu Zurich and underneath Matrona Tiguriensis.   Dated 1649, Number 56 of the series (P. 1863), State 2 of 2, approximately  3,11/16  x  2, 5/16 inches  (93 x 58 mm).

List Price: $100.00

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A Young Bride of Zurich

Inscribed: Ein Hochzeiterin zu Zurich and underneath Virgo nuptialis Tiguriensis.   Dated 1649, Number 57 of the series (P. 1864), Only State, approximately  3,11/16  x  2, 5/16 inches  (93 x 58 mm).

List Price: $125.00

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A Young Woman of Zurich

Inscribed: Ein Züricher Jungfraw and underneath Virgo Tiguriensis.   Dated 1649, Number 58 of the series (P. 1865), Only State, approximately  3,11/16  x  2, 5/16 inches  (93 x 58 mm).


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A Woman of Dieppe, Normandy

Inscribed: Ein Normandifche Fraw von Diepen and underneath Mulier Diepana.   Dated 1649, Number 67 of the series (P. 1874), State 3 of 3, approximately  3,11/16  x  2, 5/16 inches  (93 x 58 mm).

List Price: $100.00

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A Woman of Dieppe, Normandy

Inscribed: Ein Normandifche von Diepen and underneath Mulier Diepana.   Dated 1649, Number 68 of the series (P. 1875), Only State, approximately  3,11/16  x  2, 5/16 inches  (93 x 58 mm).

List Price: $100.00

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A Calabria, Naples  Woman

Inscribed: Ein Calabrische Fraw and underneath Mulier Calabra vulgo, Foretana di Napoli.   Undated, Number 70 of the series (P. 1877), State 2 of 2, approximately  3,11/16  x  2, 5/16 inches  (93 x 58 mm).

List Price: $150.00

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A Spanish Noblewoman

Inscribed: Ein Schpanishe Dame and underneath Mulier Nobilis Hispanica.   Dated 1649, Number 71 of the series (P. 1878), Only State, approximately  3,11/16  x  2, 5/16 inches  (93 x 58 mm).


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A Wife of Matrisan, Netherlands

Inscribed: Ein Matrisanisch Weib and underneath Matrisana M: Dated 1648, Number 73 of the series (P. 1880), Only State, approximately  3,11/16  x  2, 5/16 inches  (93 x 58 mm).

List Price: $100.00

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An English Noblewoman, after Van Dyke

Inscribed: Ein Englifche von Adell and underneath Nobilis Mulier Anglica  ant vanDyek pin.   Drawn 1644, Engraved 1649, Number 76 of the series (P. 1883), Only State?, approximately  3,11/16  x  2, 5/16 inches  (93 x 58 mm).


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An English Noblewoman in Winter Clothing

Inscribed: Nobilis Mulier Anglica in Vestitu Hiemali. Undated, Number 77 of the series (P. 1884), State 3 of 3, approximately  3,11/16  x  2,5/16 inches  (93 x 58 mm).


An English Wife
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An English Gentlewoman

Inscribed: Ein Englifhe vom Adell. and underneath Mulier Generota Anglica Drawn 1644, Engraved 1682?, Number 82 of the series (P. 1887), State 2 of 3?  May be unknown state, as “1682” date is not on other 2nd  state copies and the 3rd state has English subtitles) , approximately  3,11/16  x  2, 5/16 inches  (93 x 58 mm).


Lord Mayor's Wife
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The Lord Mayor of London’s Wife

Inscribed: Des Herrn Maiors oder Burgemeisters Fraw von London and underneath. Dm Maioris sive Praetoris Londinenfis Vxoris hab   Dated 1649, Number 85 of the series (P. 1892), State 2 of 3, approximately  3,11/16  x  2, 5/16 inches  (93 x 58 mm).

List Price: $175.00

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A Burger’s or Craftsman’s Wife of London

Inscribed: Ein gemeine Burgers - mans weib oder handsorck zu London and underneath Ciuis vel Artificis Londinensis vxor.   Dated 1649, Number 89 of the series (P. 1896), Only State, approximately  3,11/16  x  2, 5/16 inches  (93 x 58 mm).

List Price: $100.00

An Irish Woman
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An Irish Woman

Inscribed: Ein Eryche Fraw and underneath Mulier Hibernica Vel Irlandica.  Dated 1649, Number 93 of the series (P. 1900), Previously undocumented state with “Irische”  appearing instead of “Eryche” in other copies, approximately  3,11/16  x  2, 5/16 inches  (93 x 58 mm).

List Price: $150.00

Plate identification from:
Wenzel Hollar, Beschreibendes Verzeichniss Seiner Kupferstiche von Gustav Parthey, Berlin, Verlag der Nicolaischen Buchhandlung, 1853 (trans: Wenzel Hollar, A List and Descriptions of his Copperplate Etchings by Gustav Parthey, Berlin, The Nicolaischen Bookshop Publisher, 1853).

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Links to Other Hollar Collections

The Stout Reference Library at the Indianapolis Museum of Art has an impressive collections of books and catalogs covering Hollar's art, as well as many etchings. Their librarians were very helpful in researching this show.

The Auckland Art Gallery and The Tepapa Collection and the Univeristy of Toronto Library have put their collections of Wenzel Hollar artwork on line.