Theater of Women or Various and Different clothing of the female gender, European Nations, as they are in our time. By Wendell Hollar, etc (Prachenberger of Löwengrün and Bareyt), a Bohemian, etched in, London, 1643.
Inscribed: THEATRV MVLIERVM, sive VARIETAS atq DIFFERENtia Habituum Foeminei Seus, di==uerforum Europe Nationum hodier Tempore vulgo in vlu, a Wenceflao Hollar, etc. Bohemo, delineatæ et aqva forti æ rĭ feulptæ Londini A 1643 WH, The crest was inharented from his mother’s, Margaret, daughter of David Löw of Löwengrün and Bareyt, Knight of the Holy Roman Empire. Engraved 1643, (P. 1804), Unknown State, approximately 3,11/16 x 2, 5/16 inches (93 x 58 mm).