MathisE.H.Mathis Gallery and Conservation Framing

Wenzel Hollar: Portraiture by Hollar

To complement the Theatrum Mulierum show, we are happy to include 5 portrait etching by Hollar. The source material for these etching were paintings by Hans Holbein the Elder in the collection of Hollar's patron Lord Arundel. See History of the Theatrum Mulierum for more information about this collection or a Time Line of Hollar's Life to learn more about the artist's life and the world he lived in.

Lord Henry
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Lord Henry

Inscribed: A Holbain imi WHollar fecit 1646, D Henrico vander Borcht inniori Artis Pictoria Ama, tori Maximo Amico Sup Dilectisfimo hanc tabellam dedicat Adam Alexius Bierling Ao 1646 The .  Engraved 1646, (P. 1543).


Dr. Butt's Wife
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Doctor Butt's Wife

Inscribed: HHolbein inu: WHollar fecit 1649 Adam Alexius Bierling exe:.


Dr. Butts
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Doctor Butts

inscribed: HHolbein inu: WHollar fecit 1649 Adam Alexius Bierling exe:.


A Young Lady
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A Young Lady

Inscribed: HHolbein inu: WHollar fec: AA Bierling excud: 1647 AA Bierling excud: 1647. 


A Memorial Portrait
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A Memorial Portrait

Inscribed: M Morett Holbein pinxit W:Hollar fecit ex: Collectione Arundeliana A 1643 31 Dece. 5 5/8" x 4 1/4"


Plate identification from:
Wenzel Hollar, Beschreibendes Verzeichniss Seiner Kupferstiche von Gustav Parthey, Berlin, Verlag der Nicolaischen Buchhandlung, 1853 (trans: Wenzel Hollar, A List and Descriptions of his Copperplate Etchings by Gustav Parthey, Berlin, The Nicolaischen Bookshop Publisher, 1853).

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Links to Other Hollar Collections

The Stout Reference Library at the Indianapolis Museum of Art has an impressive collections of books and catalogs covering Hollar's art, as well as many etchings. Their librarians were very helpful in researching this show.

The Auckland Art Gallery and The Tepapa Collection and the Univeristy of Toronto Library have put their collections of Wenzel Hollar artwork on line.