Social Realist Works

"We The Dead Unburied"
Pencil on paper, 22" x 15", Verso: Image of central Park, New York City, Signed and dated 1941 on verso. Item 869
Lonely Man at the Bar
Penicl and ink wash on paper, 9" x 11 3/4", estate stamped.Item 864

Starving Girl
Pencil on paperm 22" x15", Verso: Conte life drawing of a women, Estate stamped, Item 870

Slavic Musicians
Watercolor and pencil on paper, 13 3/4" x 16 1/2", , Estate stamped,Item 868

Stopping to Chat
Pencil, watercolor, and ink highlighting on paper, 9" x 6", Estate stamped, Item 863

Two Men Playing a Table Game
Ink and ink wash on paper, 10 1/4" x x12", Estate stamped, Item 862

I Surender!
Pencil on paper, 18" x 12", Estate Stamped., Item 865

The Anarchist Dream
Pencil on paper, 11 3/4" x 17 1/2", Verso: drawings of the artist's sister Helen, Estate stamped, Item 866.

Catching a Movie
Pencil and conte on paper, 16 3/4" x 14", Estate stamped, Item 867

Pencil on paper, 22" x 15", Signed and dated 1942, Verso: Title and artists address in New York City at the time, Item 871.

A Moment of Peace
Pencil on paper, 19" x 24", Etaste stamped, Item 872.