A collection of Japanese Woodcuts of the Edo Period

Kiyonaga Torii (1752-1815)
Three Courtesans, 15.25" by 10.25"

Kunisada Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865)
Asao Yujiro as Yawata No Sabro, 14.5" by 9.75"

Kunimari, Utagawa (1794-1829)
Foreign Musicians, 9 x 13.5"

Sadanbu (1809-1879)
Kataoka Gado II as Lord Fukuka, 15 x 9.75"

Kunisada III, Utagawa (1848-1920)
Potraits of Nakamura Shikan, Nakamura Fukusuke, and Ichikawa Kodanji, Triptic 14.75" by 29.25"

Kunisada Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865)
Ichikawa Fukusuke as Yoguchi Jiro Kanemitsu Making his Last Stand in a Pine Tree, Diptic 13.75" by 19.25" overall size

Hokusai, Katsushika (1760-1849)
Manga Sketches

Hokusai, Katsushika (1760-1849)
The Great Wave off Kanagawa, 2nd state, 100 veiws of mt fuji, 9.75" x 14.5"

Sharaku, Toshusai(? - 1795)
Daidozen's Opening Ring Ceremony

Toyokuni Utagawa (1769-1825)
Two Kabuki Actors, 14.25" x 9.5"

Hiroshige Utagawa 1797 - 1858
Kanagawa Number 4 of the 53 stations of the Tokaido, Gyosho ed, 8.125 x 12.25

Hiroshige, Utagawa 1797-1858
The Nogar ditpic, 27.75 x 9.5

Kuniyoshim Utagawa (1798-1861)
Tea House scene, 14" x 9.75"

Kunimasa Ichijusai (1833-1880)
Potraits of Two Actors, 13.75" x 9.5"

Kunisada, Utagawa (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865)
Two Actors with Dragon Scroll, Diptic, Overall size: 13.75" by 19"

Yoshitosh Utagawa (1840-1880)
Tale of Heike Scene, Diptich, overall size: 14" x 19"